Forgings made of aluminum alloy which can meet your expectations about high strength, light weight components with an attractive appearance.
Aluminum forgings are generally used in applications where the high integrity of the part is of utmost importance. They are used primarily for structural components such as the intake (front end) of gas turbine engines where light weight is crucial. In automotive applications, custom aluminum forgings are commonly found at points of shock and stress. Forged automobile components include connecting rods, crankshafts, wheel spindles, axle beams, pistons, gears, and steering arms. Aluminum forgings are also used in helicopters, piston-engine planes, commercial jets, and supersonic military aircraft. Many aircraft are "designed around" custom aluminum forgings and contain more than 450 individual structural aluminum forgings as well as hundreds of forged engine parts. "Forged" is the mark of quality in hand tools and hardware. Pliers, hammers, sledges, wrenches, garden implements, and surgical tools are almost always produced through forging.
Our aluminum forgings range in weight from 0.1kg to 100 kg, and are forged into a wide variety of shapes and sizes with or without cores.
To prepare custom aluminum forgings for secondary machining and assembly, Deeco Metals' plants have in-house heat treating capabilities. We offer other services such as anodizing, painting, powder coating, polishing, design assistance, etc. We also have a variety of cleaning processes including chemical, vibratory and shot-blast.